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FREE to JOIN🎉 Donations Welcome and greatly appreciated💌🙏 Did you know that, through your breath, you can obtain enlightenment? Your precious holy breath is your gateway to a deep connection with the Divine self and all that is. The breath doesn't only serve its vital purpose of keeping us alive, but how we breathe can dramatically improve our overall health, internal systems, mental and emotional well-being, how magical is that. Path to enlightenment: Mindfulness, Mindset, Energy, Tranquility, interconnection, and a deep inner-connection are key on the path to achieving enlightenment, and you can achieve all of this with breathing practices. Thus, with so many perfect practices to assist you, we would like to share several of them in this 4 Part Enlightenment Series (each session is a maximum 30 minutes). Live classes are weekly on Wednesday from 11:30am - 12:00pm EST and will be recorded so you can go back and watch any class. Week 1. ⚕Breathing Meditation with Box breath, Buddha/Yogic, and Ujjayi Week 2. ☯️Qigong Breathing Meditation with Heavenly Circuit aka Microcosmic Orbit Circulation  Week 3. ⚕Kundalini Breathing Meditation with Breath of Fire, Alternate Nostril, and Bhramari  Week 4. ☯️Pranayama mix Breathing Meditation Sending you infinite blessings of light and love and I will see you in class 🙏💞 Cassaundra Paolini Divine Energy Healing *The Content in this series is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Join us for a powerful and transformative class - an Energetic Cord-Cutting. The session is FREE, Donations are welcome and deeply appreciated.💕 Release negative attachments and free yourself from energetic entanglements as you are guided through a powerful process to identify and release unwanted connections, creating space for healing and personal growth. This class is designed to help you let go of past relationships, patterns, and emotions that no longer serve you. After the cord-cutting you will ask your Angels for reinforcement and healing, to help sooth any side effects you may experience. Don't miss this opportunity to experience deep liberation and empowerment from the comfort of your own home. Reserve your spot today! Freedom on all levels, I look forward to being with you in class 🌈✨ All LiL classes are recorded so don't worry if you missed a class, you can easily register at your convenience and watch the class on demand as many times as you want. **The Content in this series is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Kelly Keefe
Spirituality > Energy Work
Start: Jul 11, 2024 at 01:00 pm EDT
Feel confident in navigating the world and staying strong in your energy field no matter where life may take you. Have you accessed a heightened level of sensitivity and awareness within your own energy field? Are you able to pick up on the energies and subtle energies in your surrounding areas? Congrats! Now, how do you be sure that this gift remains a gift and doesn’t become your Achilles heel? In this course, you will: + Dive deep into understanding what it means to be energetically sensitive + Learn how to clear your energy field, how to protect your vibrant and beautiful energy + Enhance your connection to your intuition and spiritual guidance team. This class is an intro to the full course, "Environmental Mastery For Empaths' includes additional reading materials and one of our energy-clearing and protective shield creation meditations thats available. “As Leaders of these Transformational Times… it is crucial that we learn how to not walk into a room and take on the energy of others, but hold an elevated frequency and make a positive impact and impression on the room”. -Kelly Keefe
✨Donations for this healing are welcomed and so appreciated!✨ Make an internal request for the type of healing you would like to achieve or simply stay open for the experience. Jamie will meditate on what is best for the group and invite Dr. Usui to come in with a supportive Reiki team and work on physical, mental, and emotional healing. The healing itself will take place for 33 minutes and there will be a 15-minute discussion and sharing afterward. Remote energy works through recording as well as the live stream. Energy is unaware that what you are connecting to has happened in the past as time is not a measurement it adheres to. Energy transcends time and space allowing distant healing to be one of the easiest and best ways to heal. All virtual LiL classes and channelings are recorded so no need to be disappointed if you missed class! You can purchase the recording at any time. After purchasing you can watch the class as many times as you need! *The Content in this series is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Are you new to the Akashic Records and wondering what it would take to start your training? Join me for a free info session to Jumpstart your Akashic Journey. Topics covered: - What the Akashic Records are - Brief history of the Akashic Records - The opportunity for modern mystics and seekers today - The difference between using the Akashic Records and other modalities - What you can gain from an Akashic Records Reading or Practice - How to get started (next steps) - Certification and non-certification opportunities - Q & A - Bonus Gift for live attendees
💕The session is FREE but Donations are welcomed and deeply appreciated.🙏 The moon is calling you tonight, ready to soothe you with her light... Walk in the Moonlight as Cassaundra facilitates this 33 minute Energy Healing during a gently guided Full Moon Meditation💕 It's important to have energy work done on a regular basis, an energy tune-up if you will, whether to clear, positively charge, or heal your energy, a world of benefits that are yours, if you so choose. Set an intention: What do you ask to receive from this session? then you are asked to open your heart to allow the process (your energy's innate intelligence will guide the healing), this helps to ensure Cassaundra and her team can give you the best experience possible. Healing on all levels, We hope to see you in class✨ All LiL classes are recorded so don't worry if you missed a class, you can easily register at your convenience and watch the class on demand as many times as you want. **The Content in this series is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
This is a study session for those that are working with The Code Journey by either book, through my social media posts, and through the Personal Year In Codes report. It is an opportunity to ask questions and to learn more about how to work with the current codes in order to create a stronger awareness in the human consciousness of how to work in alignment with the soul self.
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Mystical Mudras: A Monthly Reiki Workshop Series Unlock the ancient wisdom of mudras and amplify the power of Reiki in our monthly workshop series, "Mystical Mudras." Delve into the subtle art of hand gestures, known as mudras, and discover how they can enhance and deepen your Reiki practice. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and energy alignment as we explore a new mudra each month, unraveling the profound connection between these sacred gestures and the healing energy of Reiki. In each session of "Mystical Mudras," I will guide you through the significance and application of specific mudras, creating a harmonious blend with Reiki energy. Learn how these hand positions can help channel and enhance the flow of healing energy. Key Highlights: Monthly Mudras: Explore a diverse range of mudras, each with its unique symbolism and energetic influence. Hands-On Practice: Engage in guided practice sessions to integrate mudras seamlessly into your Reiki practice. Energetic Alignment: Understand the energetic connections between mudras and Reiki, unlocking new dimensions of healing potential. Who Should Attend: Reiki Practitioners Holistic Healing Enthusiasts Individuals Exploring Energy Practices Anyone Seeking Deeper Self-Connection Why? Deepen Your Reiki Practice Enhance Energetic Sensitivity Explore Ancient Wisdom of Mudras Connect with a Like-Minded Community Suggested Items for Session: Glass of Drinking Water Yoga Mat Comfortable Clothes Drinking Water An Open heart Read more about Reiki and Yoga Mudra fusion before the next workshop. Use the link below to read an article with more information. https://vocal.media/longevity/mystical-mudras Don't miss the opportunity to enrich your Reiki practice and deepen your connection with the subtle energies around you. Reserve your spot today and let the magic of mudras and Reiki unfold in each session of "Mystical Mudras." For more information on the basics of Reiki, use the following link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CP4KQ9WD
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Are you interested in the Akashic Records but are unsure where and how to start? This Q and A Live session will help you answer the most important questions about the Akashic Records and give you guidance as to where to start on your journey into the Records. Part one We will answer 7 most important questions about the Akashic Records. 1. What are the Akashic Records? 2. How can I access the Akashic Records and be certain I am (actually) in the Akashic Records? 3. How is this different from other spiritual modalities and Divination tools (psychic, mediumship, tarot, past live regression)? 4. How can accessing and reading the Records really benefit me? 5. How can I assist others through this work? 6. How much do I need to train to become efficient practitioner of this work for myself and others and where do I start? 7. What other tools and resources do I need to start the journey? Part Two Find out about any upcoming Akashic Opportunities Part Three Student questions Join me LIVE and receive FREE gift!
Create Your Word of the Year for 2025 Discover this Powerful Manifestation Tool with Janette Stuart Have you wondered how selecting a word of the year could benefit you? Need a little help selecting a focus word for 2025? Want to spend some time in community creating your word of the year? Want to begin 2025 with intention? Not sure where to start?
 If you answered yes to any of these questions, join Janette Stuart, Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles and Well-Being and Wonder, as she facilitates this free 60-minute class to help you hone in on and select a meaningful focus word that will light you up and guide you in 2025. As a best-selling author, words are an essential part of Janette's daily life. She has selected words of the year for the past ten years, using these transformative words to navigate life changes, including pancreatic cancer, with grace, hope, and gratitude. Janette recently wrote a chapter about her word of the year practice in Gifts of Wisdom: Practices for Healing and Empowerment, a new collaborative book by David D McLeod published by Brave Healer Productions. Your words are powerful tools for transformation and serve as magnetic affirmations that draw to you the very things you speak and think. What word(s) will you intentionally select as a guidepost for 2025? Grab your journal or paper, your favorite writing tools, and a yummy beverage, and get comfy as we gather together virtually to create magic for 2025. Date and Time: Saturday, January 4, 2025
 - 1 PM Eastern - 10 AM Pacific Location: Virtual Event here 
Cost: Free

FREE for EVERYONE to JOIN!🎉 Donations welcomed and greatly appreciated✨ 🙏You are invited to manifest with the new moon energy to and then meditate on our intentions. Cassaundra will open the ritual by lighting a candle to cleanse your space and create a safe container for you, before opening your heart center, so you can feel supported and safe to ask for that which you desire: write down your "wishes" in a notebook, that you are asking to be made manifest now. Then, keeping your wish(es) to your heart, we will begin the guided meditation🧘‍♂️ The meditation will be channeled and divine spirit will usually guide me in facilitating what is best for those in the live attendance, so please try to attend the class. I hope to see you in this special class With love, Cassaundra💞 All LiL classes are recorded so don't worry if you missed a live class, simply register at your convenience and watch the class on demand as many times as you want. **The Content in this series is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
As Independence Day approaches in the United States—especially in this time of global chaos and confusion—our thoughts turn to the concepts of liberation, independence, freedom and emancipation. These ideas seem to show up most frequently in social, legal, and political contexts, but what about their relevance in our personal lives? If you are like me, then you might ask yourself, “How do I see my spirit in this world at this time?” This is a significant question, and one which we should all contemplate on a regular basis—but certainly when Independence Day concepts are in our awareness. These ideas hold profound significance in the realm of spirituality. They are deeply intertwined with our true spiritual nature, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. For this episode of Life Mastery TV, I have invited back my good friend and colleague, Reiki Master Scott Holmes, to help me adopt a more spiritual perspective for the upcoming Independence Day celebrations. Our focus in this conversation will be different perspectives on independence, with emphasis on their impact on our spiritual lives. Here is a sampling of what we plan to discuss: * Liberation * Independence * Freedom * Emancipation Liberation, independence, freedom and emancipation are not just abstract concepts. They are essential components of every spiritual journey. If you do the necessary inner work, they can guide you toward a deeper understanding of your true nature and your relationship with the divine. Together, these principles lead to a life of profound peace, joy, and fulfillment, grounded in the awareness of your eternal, spiritual nature. About Scott Holmes ------------------ Scott Holmes is a Reiki Master, Polarity Therapist, RYSE Practitioner, Theta Healer Practitioner, and Author who empowers clients to transform and grow through multiple modalities with a combination of light, deep touch, sound, intention and crystals. As an Air Force ‘brat’ in off base housing who moved eight times in eight years, Scott experienced change as an ever present component of his early life. This has served him well in the spiritual and healing journey he’s been on for the past few years of his life. As Scott says, “Healing and change are not easy, but daily rituals and habits will change and manifest within you, that person you were put on this world to become. It all starts within. The power to change is closer than you know!”
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