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May Reiki Healing Hour - Holy Fire Karuna Reiki
Join Jerry for a group Reiki healing session for clarity, peace and balance of your entire being.
This session is infused with the loving and peaceful vibes of Reiki and the vitality of the Universal Life Force Energy. Karuna Reiki, the Reiki of compassion and connection to the Angelic Realms is used during this session.
Reiki is a method of achieving peace and relaxation within the core of one’s being. It is also known as a hands on healing modality where the practitioner places their hands on or around the recipient, or sends the energy over a distance of time or space to help one connect to the enlightened realms.
Jerry Mikutis is a yoga and Reiki teacher who has been enthralled by yoga ever since her first class in 2005 as a means for mental clarity from the stresses of life. The sense of peace the practice cultivated kept her coming back to the mat and the physical benefits soon made themselves evident. Her yoga practice eventually lead her to subtler practices such as Reiki and other methods of energy balancing.
You can find out more about Jerry here: www.jerrymikutis.com.
This session is infused with the loving and peaceful vibes of Reiki and the vitality of the Universal Life Force Energy. Karuna Reiki, the Reiki of compassion and connection to the Angelic Realms is used during this session.
Reiki is a method of achieving peace and relaxation within the core of one’s being. It is also known as a hands on healing modality where the practitioner places their hands on or around the recipient, or sends the energy over a distance of time or space to help one connect to the enlightened realms.
Jerry Mikutis is a yoga and Reiki teacher who has been enthralled by yoga ever since her first class in 2005 as a means for mental clarity from the stresses of life. The sense of peace the practice cultivated kept her coming back to the mat and the physical benefits soon made themselves evident. Her yoga practice eventually lead her to subtler practices such as Reiki and other methods of energy balancing.
You can find out more about Jerry here: www.jerrymikutis.com.
thông tin thêm
No experience or knowledge of Reiki needed for this session! (But if you know Reiki, you are welcome as well!). When this session begins, please find a comfortable place to lie down and receive the Reiki healing.
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Trong khoảng Jerry Mikutis
Jerry Mikutis
Jerry Mikutis is a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher with the International Center for Reiki training, a yoga teacher and crystal practitioner. She facilitates yoga and Reiki classes as well as meditations online. Jerry lives in Chicago with her 2 cats Rosie and...
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