1Phiên họp
EnglishNgôn ngữ âm thanh
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{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
Bảng thảo luận này chỉ dành cho những người học đã đăng ký.
Living in your Sacred Light
A class for self empowerment, revealing your authentic self and living in your truth. The topics for this class are living authentic, using meditation to help discover your purpose and passion and revealing who you truly are so you can easily stand in your truth with a little bit of Mysticism and spirituality as well.
Chi Tiết Chương Trình
{{ session.minutes }} phiên phút
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Trong khoảng Myndee Joan Garrett
Myndee Joan Garrett
Myndee Joan Garrett has been on an incredible spiritual journey. After a 'dark night of the soul' experience in 2010, she left the LDS church after being a life long member. She lost her religion but found her authentic Self. She went from living...
người học (4)
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