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Materia Medica Module 1 (HHSP)
This is the first module of the Materia Medica class for The Dancing Herbalist's Home Herbalist Study Program. For more information on this program please visit our webpage at thedancingherbalist.com and join the Learn It Live Information Sessions for this program.
Module 1 begins with an introduction of how to read and understand an herbal monograph. This module covers 7 herbs in detail: stinging nettle, plantain, milky oats, red raspberry, red clover, chamomile, and lemon balm. This module is required before continuing onto module 2.
Module 1 begins with an introduction of how to read and understand an herbal monograph. This module covers 7 herbs in detail: stinging nettle, plantain, milky oats, red raspberry, red clover, chamomile, and lemon balm. This module is required before continuing onto module 2.
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Sobre Jillian Carnrick
Jillian Carnrick
Jillian is an herbalist, nutritionist, personal trainer and exercise is medicine professional. She received a Master's of Science Degree in Herbal Medicine from the Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2012. That same year she became a certified...
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