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Questo forum di discussione è disponibile solo per gli studenti registrati.
Trance Channeling Support Group
This group is for anyone who is practicing channeling to any degree from automatic writing to full-body incorporated trance channeling. You can be at the beginning of your practice or well into it. I will offer a short lesson on creating a safe space for channeling and knowing your individual needs. We will be focused on channeling techniques, modalities, or new information discovered about channeling. Then I will open it up for shares, stories, and insights. I enjoy how we all learn from each other and how we each have our own special way of connecting to spirit. We are all teachers!
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{{ session.minutes }} sessione minuto
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Classe dal vivo
Di Jamie Butler
Jamie Butler
Jamie Butler is a natural born Medium, Wholeness Expert, and Media-Personality working internationally for 33 years.
Her life goal is to teach people of all ages about the infinite possibilities for healing, joy and success available to us when wholeness living...
Studenti (6)
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