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A Guide to Natural and Alternative Healing Methods
Our health today is at a crossroads. We have more people afflicted with chronic conditions and weight problems, as well as reliant on pharmaceutical and medical interventions than ever before. However, despite all of the good intentions and awareness campaigns, our states of health are not thriving. This is causing many of us to explore the numerous natural and alternative healing methods we have available to us today, and motivating us to take more accountability for our health. But what are all the different holistic choices that we have today, and which approach is the best one to take, and when?
Join optimal health expert Evita Ochel as she takes you on a journey of understanding a selection of the most common natural and alternative health modalities available to us today for our health, healing and prevention. Topics covered will include Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reiki, Chiropractic, Reflexology, Hypnotherapy and Herbalism. You will learn practical and valuable information for when to use each one, their benefits and drawbacks, and the expected course of treatment for various conditions.
Join optimal health expert Evita Ochel as she takes you on a journey of understanding a selection of the most common natural and alternative health modalities available to us today for our health, healing and prevention. Topics covered will include Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reiki, Chiropractic, Reflexology, Hypnotherapy and Herbalism. You will learn practical and valuable information for when to use each one, their benefits and drawbacks, and the expected course of treatment for various conditions.
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Di Evita Ochel
Evita Ochel
Evita Ochel is the author of the book "Healing & Prevention Through Nutrition" and a researcher, writer, speaker, visionary, and entrepreneur in the fields of science, spirituality, holistic health, plant-based nutrition, and sustainable living.
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