68Total des apprenants inscrits
EnglishLangue audio
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{{ rating.class_name }}
{{ rating.short_date }}
{{ rating.user.full_name }}
Ce forum de discussion est disponible uniquement pour les apprenants inscrits.
Channeling with Grace and Maitland
For those who are new to trance channeling, Jamie will allow spirit guides to speak directly through her to you. Spirit guides, Maitland and Grace, will join us to chat and answer your questions.
Participants will be able to type their questions in the chat thread and we will do our best to answer as many questions as we can. We ask that each person ask only one question. We will do our best to get through as many questions as possible, however, we cannot guarantee your question will get picked to be answered by Spirit.
We look forward to you joining us!
Participants will be able to type their questions in the chat thread and we will do our best to answer as many questions as we can. We ask that each person ask only one question. We will do our best to get through as many questions as possible, however, we cannot guarantee your question will get picked to be answered by Spirit.
We look forward to you joining us!
Détails du programme
{{ session.minutes }} séance d'une minute
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À propos Jamie Butler
Jamie Butler
Jamie Butler is a natural born Medium, Wholeness Expert, and Media-Personality working internationally for 33 years.
Her life goal is to teach people of all ages about the infinite possibilities for healing, joy and success available to us when wholeness living...
Apprenants (68)
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