Englishلغة الصوت
تصنيفات الفئة
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{{ rating.user.full_name }}
لوحة المناقشة هذه متاحة للمتعلمين المسجلين فقط.
Setting Better Boundaries for Empaths
Empaths are often the “go-to” person for their friends and family. They can also be the target of what I call “the grocery store effect” where random strangers dump their problems or share their entire life story on you. You listen because you actually care.
But the problem is, you don’t only listen, you absorb those toxic exchanges. You leave these situations feeling drained or overloaded.
The good news is, you can still care while setting up boundaries. With good boundaries, you can prioritize yourself and say “yes” to the situations you truly want to show up for and “no” when that is the appropriate time.
In the class you will learn how to:
- Protect your energy.
- Tell the difference between a healthy “no” and a toxic “yes.”
- Undo social programming that has taught you to use your empathic skills for others instead of yourself.
- Explore healthy ways to communicate your need for space.
But the problem is, you don’t only listen, you absorb those toxic exchanges. You leave these situations feeling drained or overloaded.
The good news is, you can still care while setting up boundaries. With good boundaries, you can prioritize yourself and say “yes” to the situations you truly want to show up for and “no” when that is the appropriate time.
In the class you will learn how to:
- Protect your energy.
- Tell the difference between a healthy “no” and a toxic “yes.”
- Undo social programming that has taught you to use your empathic skills for others instead of yourself.
- Explore healthy ways to communicate your need for space.
تفاصيل البرنامج
{{ session.minutes }} جلسة دقيقة
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جلسة مسجلة
فئة حية
حول Leanne Holitza
Leanne Holitza
My name is Leanne Holitza, I am an intuitive wellbeing coach and energy healing practitioner. My goal is to help people, who are aware they are energetic beings, to align themselves to their highest potential through the work of intention and energy clearing....
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